So today I
went to a hotel, and inquired about a room. He said it was $20 a night.
I said “Does
it have a fan in the room?”
He said “What
kind of fan do you want?”
I said “.........A
blog fan”
He said “....
Yes.... Yes it does” :-)
Ten million
Its that time again you hungry dogs! Sink your teeth into this devilish piece of meat, of BREAKING BLOG NEEEWWWSSSS!!!!
Its that time again you hungry dogs! Sink your teeth into this devilish piece of meat, of BREAKING BLOG NEEEWWWSSSS!!!!
Well... We
crossed into Cambodia via the Mekong river in Vietnam. I think I wrote about
this in my last blog... Anyway, we arrived in Phnom Penh and got a $1 tuk-tuk
to our hostel. It was a really cool hostel actually. We stayed in a dorm, but
the bunk beds were double bed width. Classy ;-) It also had a bar at the top floor, that
had really good drink and food offers. But the first thing we did in Phnom Penh,
was the S21 Museum. Start on a positive note init... The S21 Museum is
basically an ex-school, that was turned into an interrogation / torture prison,
where 1000s of civilians died under Pol Pots reign. It was pretty damn grim. Murky
walls, stained tiled floor, and surrounded in barbed wire. You could walk
around the buildings looking at the torture methods, and 1000s of mug shots of
the people that died there. I felt kinda numb towards it all to be honest.
Couldn’t really imagine these stories being anything but fictional. Or if not fictional,
in a far distant history. Not so recent... But needless to say, after that, we
needed a stiff drink or two. We went back and bumped into 2 girls that we met
in Vietnam, and we also got in touch with another couple we met a few days
back... Whilst having dinner, the hostel supplied a free keg of beer. Basically
free beer for everyone until the last glass was poured. I had about... 7? Then
me and Lena (a Brummy girl) played beer pong. She was beating me pretty bad,
then she decided to switch with her sober mate Becky! Then she started beating
me even worse!! Then I moved on to cider, then whisky, then I saw this drink
challenge thing on the wall... Which is never a good thing for me blog fans. I
always accept a drinking challenge... They had a drink called “Banana Bombs”
Which is a shot of tequila, and a shot of banana liquor, wedged at the top of a
glass of Redbull. Once you take the tequila and drink it, the banana liquor
drops into the Redbull, and you wash down the tequila with the banana Redbull
mix. Lethal... The “challenge” was to win points for your country. I think
England was 4th at this point. Behind USA, France, and Cambodia. But
we represented that night ;-) Got us 3rd, and closer to France...
Probably would of got further, but after a couple more free shots, and jager
bombs, shit hit the fan, blog fans... The next thing I remember was being on
the toilet floor, asleep, with Cat saying “Rob, we’re going to a club. Are you
going to be OK?” I chundered EVERYWHAA blog fans!! Was in a right mess... Apparently
Cat and a couple others got a tuk-tuk to a club, and stayed out for another
couple hours. When she got back, I STILL hadn’t made it to bed! I got woken up
in the corridor by some backpacker trying to navigate her wheely suitcase
around me :-) Then i crawled my sorry arse into bed...
After that
heavy night, we all woke up hungover, with just a couple hours sleep, and ready
to get a tuk-tuk to the Killing Fields... Bit of a juxtaposition I know... As
the name might suggest, the Killing Fields isn’t much of a happy place either.
Its a spot where men, women, and children were bought to be killed once the
Khmer Rouge where done with them at S21. Not just political opponents, but
anyone Vietnamese, Chinese, from a city, pale skinned, educated.... And once
they were killed, the wives and babies had to be killed to prevent revenge
attacks... Close to a third of the population were killed by the Khmer Rouge,
and this was just one of about 20,000 mass graves around the country... You
went around with an audio headset, listening to what happened. There was a “killing
tree”, which babies were killed against... A “magic tree”, which had big speakers
playing eerie music to drown out the screams. And lots and lots of bones and
skulls... Cat was moved to tears by it all. But she wasn’t the only one there
that was...
We had a
quiet night in that night... Needed it... Was hanging balls, and we caught an
early bus to Kampot with Lena. Kampot was a nice place. Super chilled. We
stayed at a hostel, that had a bar hoovering over a river. There was a floating
man-made island with hammocks, rope swing, kayaks... Was proper hippy. I had a
bit of a troublesome 24hrs there though blog fans... We went out for dinner at
a local little hut one night. As I was talking, looked down at my feet during
conversation, and I spotted a MASSIVE black scorpion, literally a inch away
from my moving, bare foot. A guy that worked there jumped up like a maniac,
beat it to death, then removed its tail... “This is very bad!”. So im guessing
I was kinda lucky... We went back to the same place in the morning to rent
motorbikes for a trip up to a place called Bokor Hills. I went for a little
practice run as it was manual... all fine, so I drove it back to wait for the
girls. As I flicked down the kick-stand, I let go of the bike... and it fell...
Right in front of the owners, and few customers. The mirror smashed into a
hundred pieces in the middle of the road, and I looked like a right knob. Bit
embarrassing... So that wasn’t a good start. We took the one mirrored bike up
this hill anyway. Bokor is now known for its spooky eerie atmosphere. It used
to have a casino, church, hotel, etc when the French were in power here. Now
they’re all abandoned, and super ghoulish... The fact that its so high up in
the clouds, that it forms a constant misty, haunted appearance to the area,
only adds to the atmosphere even more. Anyway, my troubles weren’t over yet blog
fans... During that excursion, Cat and I nearly got attacked by a MASSIVE
MONKEY on the bike whilst we were driving! It was like we were in a scene from the
movie Silent Hill, mixed with The Rise Of The Planet Of The Apes... Madness... And
ALSO, after that I crashed our bike :-p Kinda anyway... We stopped on a gravely
path to ask for directions, and when I drove off, the wheels kinda skidded over
the rocks, and with mine and Cats weight on it, we dropped like a sack of shit
:-) Classic... We both popped up with the two other girls going “OMG, are you
OK?” But we were just really worried about how damaged the bike was lol. Thats
a campervan, car, AND a bike ive damaged on our trip now! Champion! The bike
had a bent foot rest, that we managed to bend into place just enough for the
people not to notice when we returned it :-) Me and Cat just had a few
scratches and bruises ;-)
We said bye
to the two girls we were with, and headed down to Sihanoukville next. Dont ask
me how to pronounce it blog fans. Its a bastard of a name... Its a town on the
south coast, which most people visit prior to heading off to the islands close
to it. And in this case, we are “most people”. To be honest, its low season in
this part of the world right now, and the atmosphere was DEAD. We checked in to
a hostel that seemed to be the only one with people in, and headed out to the
deserted restaurants for dinner. We stumbled across a place called “Happy
Pizza”. They sold Happy pizzas, Happy shakes, and Happy cigarettes... I hope I
don’t have to spell out what I mean by “Happy” blog fans... The pizza was
really nice! Cat had the shake that wasn’t bad either. But to be honest,
smoking was the only thing that seemed to make me “happy” in any way. The
following day we had a beach day. Was really nice until it got to the evening,
when it PISSED DOWN! THIS is why its low season blog fans... I frantically
tried to drive us home to shelter, and got absolutely drenched! Was probably a
bit dodgy driving a scooter in those conditions, but still, it was either that
or stand in a monsoon for 3hrs...
We left for
the islands next. We paid for a ticket that meant we could snorkel on the way
to the first island, then get dropped off for as long as you want, then get a
boat to the second island, then back to the mainland. As we boarded, we noticed
how choppy the sea was. The waves were like a remake of the Perfect Storm, and
it became obvious survival was more important that snorkelling. So we went straight
to the first island and got off there... I said to the guy “I think we might
stay here one night, when do we get the boat tomorrow?”
“12:30 here”
“So here,
12:30pm, tomorrow afternoon?”
You can see
where this is going blog fans. The boat left again, taking every other tourist
away, except me and Cat... Who checked in to a little seaside hut :-) It was
really nice. There was no people, there was only electricity between 6pm to
11pm, and it was pretty damn chilled... We had half a day of sun, then half a
day of getting caught in torrential rain on a jungle trek. But we decided to
leave the next day as we planned. We went to the accommodation guy and said
“Can we pay now? We are getting the boat today”
“No boat
“No boat...”
Casual as
that blog fans. Basically as no one was booking a boat to this deserted island
during monsoon season, the boat had no reason to come to pick us up... We
didn’t mind so much, as it was pretty sweet there. The only few negatives was, I
wasn’t getting much sleep because of the heat with no fan during the night. We
were also being bitten to shit by mozzies, our bathroom was infested by ants,
and we had the odd rat visiting our room now n then. But still, worse places to
be stuck... We thought we’ll just get the boat the next day, hoping some
tourists would be CRAZY enough to come here like we did... We tried ordering
lunch as we were staying – no bread, no beef, no this, no that... Rations were
not being shipped over either blog fans... We basically had the choice of fish,
fried rice, and mango... Which suited us well enough. Next morning... “No
boat”... lol Are you f***ing KIDDING ME blog fans!? The fact that we ran out of
things to do, and the weather was bad, and the food was running out, didn’t
really bother me. I just didn’t want another night in the cabin sweating my
mozzie bitten balls off, and getting 3hrs sleep a night... We managed to book a
“fast” boat with a different company, that would take us from this island to
the next. So that was something... Just meant that was now a snorkelling trip,
AND a boat transfer we paid for but didn’t get. But f*** it, we’re moving on.
The next island was a lot more busier. Loads of hostels, backpackers, places to
eat... Was actually happy about that, considering what we just came from...
This island (Koh Rong) had more of a reputation for a party island. So we were
just planning on staying the one night, partying, and getting off... We met two
Cambodian guys, partied with them, had a good night, then got up to catch our
boat the next morning... BUT GUESS WHAT BLOG FANS? It didn’t come!! :-D SO, we had to book ANOTHER fast boat back to
the mainland. So that was a snorkel trip, and TWO island transfers they scammed
us out of. Bastards. But we were getting off the beaches, onto mainland, and
moving on... We got back to Sihanoukville where we were greeted by annoying
tuk-tuk drivers trying to grab our arms... “My friend, my friend! Come! Come!”
Theyre starting to get on my tits... “Its $12, because its 15km”. “NO, its $6
and 4km!” Theyre so full of bullshit... After telling him what we were willing
to pay, and convincing him we didn’t need to go and book our next bus with his
friend because its “really busy and almost full” (in low season, such
bullshit), he took us to our hostel... On the way he hit a really big pothole.
That made me fly up so high, I smacked my head on the metal roof, CRACKING MY
SHADES that were resting on the top of my head! :-D LOL! ...Bloody tuk-tuk
After all
that excitement, we had a whole day travelling from Sihanoukville to Battambag.
We had to switch bus at Phnom Penh, where we saw a load of tourists waiting for
the bus too. It felt good though, because as the next two buses pulled up, all
the tourists got on the bus to Siem Reap, and we jumped on the bus to
Battambang full of old local women, and farmers... We so culture ;-) The bus
journey itself was pretty cool actually. We got to pass through the type of
landscapes he hadn’t really seen in Cambodia yet. Saw a lot of village kids
cycling to school, men transporting bamboo on the back of their motorbikes,
farmers in rice paddies, monks, etc... They all looked poor, but at the same
time, happy. Always smiling and waving... Made me feel a lot sadder that
Battambang was gonna be our penultimate stop. Felt we should of spent more time
in “Real Cambodia”. But we had to keep moving on blog fans... Battambang was
really nice, and really cheap. We paid $4 for the two of us in a private room
with en suit toilet. Thats crazy... On the first day we paid a tuk-tuk driver
to take us around the temples in the countryside. We then finished the day by
visiting a circus, with youngsters performing acrobats and stuff. They were
really good. Not professional, but the school was run off donations for
disadvantage kids to learn these skills. So it was a positive thing blog
fans... We also did a cooking class in Battambang. Watch out Jamie Oliver ;-)
We knocked up some spring rolls, amok curry, beef lok lak, and dessert... Our
chef guy told us how one of his students learnt his ways of cooking, stole his
recipe, opened his own shop LITERALLY NEXT DOOR, and then TRIED TO KILL HIM!
WTF lol... Maybe he should consider making a documentary or something...
Anyway, we ate our delicious cooking, and then had a few drinks and a game of
pool with the guys we met in the class. After 3 nights in Battambang we had 2
choices to get to Siem Reap. Bus or Boat... The bus was a quarter the price,
and twice the speed... But the boat was a lot more scenic. We were a bit worried
about the dodgy weather, but like I said blog fans, we were a bit disappointed
that we didn’t have longer in Cambodia... so we used the boat trip as something
to make up for it. We found out that the guys from the cooking class were
coming too, so we all set off together. We passed floating markets, floating
villages, floating shops, floating schools... And the weather actually stayed
really good throughout... We thought it was all going fine and dandy, until we
were about 2hrs away from Siem Reap. We got caught up in loads of jungle like
weeds in the river. It didn’t seem too bad at first, but then the boat came to
a standstill... Everyone onboard had to pull out all these weeds around the
boat, like we were farming vegetables or something... We all cheered when we
got floating off, then 30mins after that... the boat stopped AGAIN. Everyone
looked at each other a bit confused. Then we realised we were actually stuck in
sand. The river was too low, and we weren’t floating no more. We spent an extra
2 or 3 hrs, pushing the boat along until we were back into deeper waters. All
the boys on the boat helped, including me. I said to Cat “You should take a
photo to remember this moment”. But she was too busy talking... Psst!
We were in
Siem Reap! And if you didn’t get my joke just there, Siem Reap is mostly
visited for the temples surrounding the town... Most famously, Angkor Watt...
We purchased a 3 day pass to the temples, and hired a tuk-tuk each day to take
us around. Every time we went with the Canadian girl, and Israeli guy we met at
cooking class... It was awesome... We will never look at a temple in the same
way again now though. On the first day, we did the largest route around. We
visited Bayon, which is a temple with 260 giant faces carved all around it. It
was pretty sick... The 2nd day highlight was Ta Prohm. Which is the
temple used as the setting for the Tomb Raider movie. The thing that made it
unique was all the trees twisting around it, and growing over, and on top of the
temple itself. Then on the last day, we saved the money-shot for last... The
Angkor Watt sunrise... We woke up at 4am to get there on time. Was definitely
worth it though. The temple itself wasn’t actually the best. But the sun rises
behind it in the mornings, and the temple reflects in the moat below. Creating
a view that would make any Instagrammer sexually aroused :-)
As usual,
not all things ran as smoothly as seemed. My first day in Siem Reap, im pretty
sure I got a mild case of food poisoning. We were all out having dinner, and a
few quiet drinks... Then all of a sudden, It felt like a horse kicked me in the
gut... I knew I was in trouble, so I grabbed the keys off Cat and powerwalked
home... Running would of been a massive risk, blog fans... Woke up several
times that night to s*** my guts out... It’s a favourite pastime of mine now
blog fans... Seems to be all im doing in Asia... I came pretty close to puking
too. Sober puking is never good... But it only came out of the backend
fortunately... Day 2, after not eating for 24hrs, I felt I might of had mild
sunstroke. Had massive headaches, and didn’t go out that night... Then day 3,
my sinusitis kicked in. F***ing perfect init... I would of liked to of made the
most of our hostel here. We had 5aside on sand, a cool pool bar, and stuff. But
I was never really up for it... Also really wanted to make the most of Siem
Reap nightlife, but I didn’t really. I managed to force myself out for the 4th
night though. The girl and guy we were hanging with didn’t really wanna drink
too much, but me and Cat got tipsy, and went to a couple bars. So considering
all of that, I still had a really good time here...
I say
“HERE”, because im writing this on my bed, in Siem Reap on our LAST NIGHT here.
And LAST NIGHT IN CAMBODIAAAA :-0 Tomorrow im off to Bang Cock... Sorry, I mean
Bangkok ;-) To start our next adventure in THAILAND! We’re probably only gonna
be there for two weeks in the north. Then we are planning to go Laos for a bit,
then back into Thailand to hit the southern areas. That’s where im planning to
spend my birthday blog fans ;-) So put that in your diary, and meet us there!!
Think thats
it for now! Goodbye Cambodia unfortunately :-( For now at least... Remember to
check the YouTube page for up dated videos, if you’re interested. Other than
that, all you can do is wait, and keep your shorts TIIIIGHT for the next,
amazing, exotic, RobCat Travel, Breaking, Blog, Neeeeewwwwsssss!!
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