Monday, July 14, 2014

Sydney - The Sequel

Living in Australiaaa! - eye ta eye, station ta station
Living in Australiaaa! - hand ta hand, across the nation
Living in Australiaaa! - got ta have a celebration!
Duh duh duh da duh!!

(James Brown, special guest appearance there)

Welcome back you sexy blog fiends! Coming back for your next fix are ya? Well don't O.D. on me now! Coz Robbie G has cooked up a strong, potent dosage of BREAKING BLOG NEEWWSS!!

The last time you left me, I was back in Sydney! And everyone had GONE! Left this land forevveerr - except me, Cat and Ambika... I was tour guide AGAIN, and Ambika happened to be a true Australian tourist. Showing her around was fun. We did beach walks, city walks, mountain walks, sightseeing - all with a bottle of goon in hand. NATURALLY! :) So she settled into the lifestyle well. When I wasn't drinking goon publicly with her, I was mostly job hunting... I felt more experienced in what I should be aiming for, and applying for as a backpacker now. I wasted too much time applying for stuff I was never gonna get last time. I got back in contact with my old casual jobs as a removalist and labourer, and also some new ones too. I got told that work was available at Base backpackers. I know for a fact that if you work for them, it's mostly for free accommodation and food n drink tokens at Scary Canarys (Cats old bar). But it was better than nothing I guess, so I went for an interview... Well he said it was a interview, or a "chat" but he looked me up and down and asked me if I had work boots. I said I had (meaning at home), but I then realised he was expecting me to work there and then! Plastering and getting dirty in my semi-fancy interview clothes! I was like "Whoa, wait a minute! I don't know what the hours of work are, what I'm doing, if I'm getting paid, or anything yet!" We then agreed I was gonna find out about my other jobs on that day, and start tomorrow if nothing else came up. Ideally, I wanted to work for cash. Not to stay at Base! And I needed it for Bali... But luckily, by the end of the day, I had the choice of 3 jobbies, and I took the one as a labourer - not at Base :) Hoorah!! I was starting the next day, and it was WAY out in the south of Sydney. But I set my alarm 4:30am and was ready... That night the girls decided they wanted to go "Ivy" (nightclub with rooftop swimming pool) with an Italian guy, Spanish guy and a Dutch guy. The Dutch guy was fresh off the boat, and Ambika convinced him her box of white wine was really expensive and special - he felt really guilty drinking it.... It was actually a $12 box of goon... Ah, naive goon virgins. So naïve to the goonage... My alarm was set for 4:30am, but the girls came in at 4:20, so I didn't need it... Plus, Ambika snores like a bloody buffalo with asthma.... So, it was back to early starts for me! :)

So I worked for a couple days at this big house. I just basically needed to get all the floors ready for carpeting. It was ok.. but dusty... Really dusty! I was like Scarface with a serious dust problem.. Had at least a kilo of dust up my honker every time I breathed. But that's life.. My bank accounts been "exit only" since the farm, so i was happy to get some sort of income at the end of the day... Ambika had an old uni friend (Bonnerly) moving to Sydney. So we met up with him. We were told he moved into a place in Bondi Beach.. And guess what he found!?.. 128 WARNERS AVENUE, Bondi! Aka - Where we all used to live before! He lived in apartment 4, right next door to our old place. We went back there and had a house party with all our old neighbours. About 6 of us played F#*@ The Dealer. Some French guy was coming off the worst. It was his first time playing it, and he threw a massive strop because of the amount he was drinking :p Its so funny... He threw his cards down (which somehow ended up in his drink), got up angrily, then started dancing to "The Next Episode" with a smile on his face lol. Was classic Shmoseby... A couple days after the house party, we were back in Bondi. This time it was for Ambikas last day out. So we had a bbq and lots of drinks. Me and Cat wernt really hungry, but stupidly, I let Cat do the food shopping for us. I said "Dont get carried away, just get a few burgers, and buns." (We had ketchup, cheese, oil etc)... So she went into Coles as I waited outside - then came back with like 60 million bags! She had camel burgers, chicken skewers, sausages, salads... Bare in mind this is just for me and her, and other people made their own contributions... I asked her what she spent, and she was like "...$40." Me and Mark used to do a bbq for $2 each! Bread and sausages! I already had $30 of alcohol to get through! I wasn't hungry, and I don't like eating much when im drinking... ANYWAY, we went down to the beach, and had a really nice time. It was a nice sunny day, and we ate and drank a lot... (As you can imagine)... Later in the evening a storm broke out, and we packed up our stuff and ran back into Bonnerlys place. I managed to cram a load of sausages and burgers into a plastic cup, and I rescued them for later ;) Drunken logic ay... After a few more drinks at the flat, we went to Beach Road Hotel (our old local club), and got smashed. I got a few more drinks, plus I tricked Ambika into drinking black Sambuca, which she hates, and I ended up spending over $100 more... So, I guess Cat can be forgiven lol... Kinda...

Ambika left to fly to Perth the next day, leaving just me and Cat looking for more work. Cat managed to get casual shifts at a company she used to work for (Nosh), and I got put back on the rota for my office removal work. Cat had to re-buy a load of uniform. She got some boots and said "These boots are perfect for Nosh"... psst, that's what she said!... Other than that, ive just signed up to an agency, and Cats also taken on working for accommodation at our hostel. She makes beds for a few hours, 3 days a week now. I wanted to work there too, but the manager only wanted female cleaners, and reception roles wernt available. I also had a night out with 3 guys I knew from the farm, but other than that, I might try to get my head down a bit, and start saving cash for Bali and onwards... (Key word is TRY)

So that's whats gwarning in Sydney right now blog fans. DOUBT they'll be TOO much to write about between now and my 30th in Baliiii! OH MY DAYZ - 30! Our plan after Bali is to go to Darwin and try to get work there. Also see a bit of the northern territory. Don't know if we'll ever be back in Sydney, and this makes me a saaaddd pandaaa... I worked at a Fujitsu office in Northern Sydney the other day. The views from there were AMAZING. It was at night and you could see the whole city lit up... I was early for work, so I waited there looking out, and getting nostalgic... I could see the Harbor Bridge, and I remembered walking across it with Cats parents over a year ago. I saw the hill where me, Mark and Shona drank goon and rang people up about house viewings. I saw the Westfield Tower, and remembered going up there with my old school mate Nick. And also had a great view of Luna Park, all lit up. And I remembered how good our Halloween night there was, and how good it was to have that big group of friends all there together. Ah, this city holds so many memories now, and has become a massive part of my life really... Emotional...

On that note blog fans...
Get yourself a good strong belt, because I have no idea what the future holds...
And youre gonna have ta keep them shorts TIIIIIGHT
For my NEXT - BREAKING - (possibly a 30th birthday special) - BLOG - NEWS!!!!

(birthday presents accepted)

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