Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Yellow Brick Road - part 2

Somewhere over the rainbow,
Way up hiiigghh.
There's a land that I heard of,
Once in a lullabbbyyy...

Oh what a world blog fans...
What a world...

But that's enough of my Wizard Of "Oz" references. Here comes part DEUX of my east coast shenanigannsss!

So, I left you last when I was traveling down from 1770 to Rainbow Beach, for FRASER!... The bus journey was a bit stressful. But only because I couldn't get my last blog to copy and paste for the fans to read... God I'm good to you blog fans. Took me 4hrs to copy... and... paste... ahh, bullshit technology...

Anyway... I got to Rainbow Beach in one piece, and that meant I was one day away from FRASER ISLAND! Everyone I spoke to hyped it up, but I was still pretty clueless about everything I was doing. So I had no expectations... We had a briefing the day before we left. It told us how to drive these 4wd trucks in the sand, and how to cover your nipples to protect you from dingo attacks (don't ask). It seemed like all we were doing on the island was driving around all day in these big trucks. I couldn't imagine what all the fuss was about... But it was bloody awesome blog fans! We were divided into groups of 8, and got to take turns driving the monster cars ourselves. I got lucky and had a really good section on the first day. Driving through the jungle area with some party tunes cranked up, loving life, bumping over logs, and crashing through puddles.. Saw a few dingos as soon as we got to the island. Think its probably the first wild ones I've seen. But Frasers wasn't all about cars and dingos, blog fans... It was also about getting SMASHED! We got back to the camp site, chose our tents, cooked, then got our drink on... I started with vodka, then port, then I got on to the goon... And that's pretty much all I know of that night... I think we played "F*ck The Dealer" and I also added on my own drinking game. Its basically where I say something like "I remember when I was in Sydney, and I drank it like this...." then I down a whole cup of drink... So it's not really a game... But luckily my German friend Marvin joined in too... Needless to say, I left the game prematurely, and CHUNDERED EVERYWHAA!.. I was experienced enough to puke outside our tent (unlike another girl who was playing with us). But the bad side to that was, I was rolling about in the woods a lot, and I ended up with a massive ant bite on my arse. Trust me, you don't f*ck about with the Aussie ants. I took a photo of my arse to see the bite, and it was massive (the bite was too :p) ... And i also think my arse needs a good shave. Its mad hairy son...

With all the puking, and the fact I passed out pretty early, I woke up with minimal hangover. We also got to visit "champagne falls" and have a lil swim there. Fresh as a daisy!! To make it even better, we then drove to a place where we can bottle up magic water from a fresh stream river (Eli creek). I filled up a massive barrel, and also sipped some straight from the stream... Magic water combats ALL hangovers blog fans ;) With that in mind, we went back to the camp and got totally SMASHED again! Haha! But this time I was able to stay up passed midnight. There was a "club" on the campsite called Winkies. I say "club" because it was just a round hut. Literally... No DJ, no bar, no bouncers, no entry fee, no anything... It was about as big as a bathroom and people just rocked up there, goon bags in hand, dancing about to peoples iPods plugged into the speakers... Its probably the best club I've been to in Australia blog fans... Honestly... There was a German guy there called Malte, who was having a 21st bday celebration. He was the only one to rival mine and Marvins drunkness. I felt it was our duty to get him retardedly smashed :) But we also had some other pretty awesome people to hang out with. Another good group peoples...

We woke up the next day after two hours sleep. But luckily we had magic water ;) We waited by the cars for the guide man to hear the days itinerary, but he wasn't happy... Apparently someone sneaked into his camp area, and stole his Captain Morgans whilst drunk last night lol. When we announced that, everyone looked at me, Marvin and Malte... But it wasn't us... We went to see another awesome lake. Then I got to drive along the beach, back to the ferry and on to the mainland... Had a leaving party, added friends to facebook, went to bed, bish bash bosh, another successful trip :)

...BEFORE this whole Fraser thing happened, we stocked up on food and drink for the trip. It was raining hard, and I was wearing trainers with no socks, and my feet got really wet. When I got back from shopping, I put my wet trainers in a plastic bag, zipped them in my backpack, and locked them away in storage for the 3 days we were away. Needless to say, when I got back my trainers STUNK! I smelt myself everywhere I went. A girl came into the dorm once and said "it smells like a bloody dead body in here!" Everyone else made a comment too... Yep, that was all me... I also stunk out the whole bus on our way to our next stop. So if you're reading this and you thought I stank like shit, then yeah, you were right... This is my confession.

Next stop: Noosa.... After Whitsundays, Castaway and Fraser, I was more in the mood to be checked into a hotel and chill out. But I arrived in Noosa bush camp for 3 days of camping and kayaking... fml... I'm too old lol... We looked round the camp site, and I was pleasantly surprised that they had a tv area, with a hard-drive full of movies, and the channels to watch the world cup games on. So I wasn't gonna miss England vs Italy... First day was cloudy, but we kayaked a good 15km down the creek. Was a bit "Deliverance" like... When we got back, i had a look on the hard-drive to see if they had Deliverance, but I had to settle for Paranormal Activity 3 and Finding Nemo... On the 2nd day I woke up early to watch England vs Italy... Was pretty emotionless with the result. We then had another kayak day. This time the sun was shining, and we had goon :) We tried to find a park that was marked on a map, but we couldn't be bothered to row all the way there. So we trespassed into someones back garden and sat on their bench for lunch :p Luckily, I don't think anyone was home... We left the camp the morning after. We were expecting to check-out at 8:30. Then cook toast and sausages for breakfast, and chill out in the tv room until the camp shuttle took us to the greyhound at 12:00. But they decided to cancel the 12:00 bus, just because they only had only 3 of us to take. Classic Australian unprofessionalism... So we had to rush around packing, no time to eat or wash, and obviously no apologies... Got the 8:45 bus, 20mins after waking up. Then had to sit around at the bus stop for ages. We could of booked the earlier greyhound if they warned us in advance... Mutha F*kkaz...

On the last couple of stops, I've noticed a lot of people have become more and more impressed by mine and Cats travel story. They can't believe how long we've been away, and how much we've got to go. Suppose we're seen as "real backpackers" now. But then again, we are a lot older than the average traveler here. And I hadn't done much at their age... People usually think I'm about 24, and Cat gets called "mum" a lot. Ha...

Anyway, back to city life! BRISBANE was our next stop... Me, Cat and Marvin decided we should go to the Australia Zoo aka Steve Irwin Zoo, whilst we're here. Went there in the first day and it was awesome. Saw croc shows, tiger shows, and it seemed like there was about 40 people in the whole zoo. So it was a really nice day out. Tiger show was amazing. Took about 900 photos of it, so you'll see that all on facebook soon... Day after that was our big reunion with Nats! :) She's been in Brisbane since we left for the farm. So she should be a good guide of the city... She took us to a cafe that was on a massive hill, with epic views of the whole city. Romantic. We then did a walk to a place called "Slaughter Falls", and I must say, it's the shittiest waterfall I've ever seen in my life... Waterfalls usually have WATER... that FALLS...... But no... After that we took a walk round Brissy, and had a "goodbye" meal with the guys Natalies been living with for the last few months. Natalie also had the idea to go cinema at 9pm to watch "22 Jump Street". She checked the listings for this cinema that only cost $6 per movie. So we kinda rushed our meal, and rushed to the cinema. Natalie then rushed her goodbyes, and we rushed to the ticket booth... Then we got there, and realised the movie was being released tomorrow..... Natalie checked tomorrows listings accidentally... PSST NATALIE! We ended up watching "Million Ways To Die In The West" it was ok... We probably laughed the most at the trailers of 22 Jump Street... Just because that was what we rushed our arse off to see, and now we're in the cinema to see a film none of us have ever heard of, or have any idea what its about... Classic Shmose...

The next morning we got up, said bye to my eastcoast drinking buddy Marvin, and hopped on the greyhound to our next destination. Marvins been replaced by Nats to accompany us to Sydney now. Not long now til we're back to our old stomping ground! Will be emotional... Dont REALLY know what's gonna happen when we get there. We got a lot of reunions to catch up with in Sydney, and even a special reunion from a very good friend from home ;) But this is all material for the next blog, blog fans! Bet you're DYING to hear what happens next!! :D

So, peace out rabbits....
Speak to you on the next "breaking blog news"...
Til then... Keep your shorts tight!

Zeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep!! x

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