Sunday, December 14, 2014
Summer Frights High
What does a gay horse say?
Whats up blog fans!? I got a sizzling, semi-spontaneous blog fo yo asses!
Yes im still in Australia, yes im still in Darwin, working, in a school... sweating my arse off... But theres been a FEW small changes and things going on. Plus I aint really spoken to people at home too much, so read this for an update. Then when we talk I dont have to repeat the same shiz a thousand times, leaving more time to talk about YOU!
So tighten your belt! Coz if those shorts aint TIGHT, they'll blow right off like DY-NO-MITE!
So basically, im writing this from my cozy little cabin at the moment. Its getting dark, and im about to shower and go to bed... No big deal right? No, EXCEPT, tomorrow Bulldozer Billy is coming along and crushing our home TO THA GROUND!! :-0 I know, right! Shocking! All the kids at the school have broken up now for their Christmas holidays. Whilst they're away the schools getting a major make-over. Its like the schools going into surgery, and our home is the big ugly hooked nose that needs removing the most. So tonight will be our last sleep here. Bit of a shame, as we've just settled in and made it our home.... But thats not even the worst thing about it blog fans! Once our home is turned to dust, we're being moved to the EEC building. I dont even know what EEC stands for. If I had to guess, i'd say "Extremely Eerie Crap!" Because that building is SCARY! When I lock it up at night, its like House On Haunted Hill. Which is pretty fitting, as apparently it used to be a hospital! Great... I've heard stories about things being moved in there, over night, once its been locked up. I've spoken to a girl who said she was listening to the radio in there, and several witnesses saw the volume dial turn down right in front of their eyes. So SLEEPING there, on the 3rd floor, at night, alone on campus should be... ginteresting... Ive been sleeping with a big knife and baseball bat near me in this cabin... but i dont think thats gonna help me against a bloody rapist poltergeist :-(
OTHERWISE the job is going really well! The staff are all really nice, Cat and I are saving well, so cant complain... The teachers sometimes cook us food for lunch, or buy us ciders for just helping and doing our jobs. Its weird, but great haha... On top of that, 80% of the teachers look like super models. That just wouldnt happen in a British school. The Australian kids just dont know how good they got it!... I was invited to the Christmas party on Friday. We had after work drinks, and after 4 ciders, and 4 beers, I was well up for it. Especially considering I lost about 19 gallons of sweat at work just before that... It was really last minute though, and I was texting all the other backpackers to come with me, but no one did. Didnt really wanna tag along with none of the other backpackers with me, like a weird lonely loser. So I just stumbled around the school, drunk, locking all the gates... Then I passed out at 7:30... Epic fail...
We have no plans for Christmas or NYE yet... Its probably gonna suck. Its our 3rd Christmas away from home. The 1st one we flew from Costa Rica to Peru on Christmas day. So that was pretty shit. Dry arse airplane meals for Christmas dinner lol. Last year in Sydney was good. But I got a feeling we got another shit one in store for us this year. We've got some dates in mind for our next stages now though. Probably gonna leave the school on the 27th of March. Drive to Uluru on a road trip, then leave Australia (finally) to The Philippines on April 7th. So its all getting pretty close! I've given myself a couple of projects some of you might be interested in. Im gonna start to make slideshows of our travels, and uploading them to YouTube. Its a little hobby of mine, but its also a nicer, easier way for people to look at what we've done, step by step. The slideshows will take a while to do, but im also sporadically uploading some random travel videos... If you search YouTube for "RobCat Travel" you might find it... I'll try to get a URL for our page or something later.
So keep your shorts tight for all of that!
Merry Christmas if I dont speak to you before that...
Make it a blogtastic one ;-)
Until then.... Zoooooooooooooooop!! x
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