bloggy bloggy bloggy!!
OI!! OI!! OI!!
yo yo yo blog fans!! I'm about to bring you right up to date with our movements and situation. Let you know the 411 on this ting! In Adelaide right now. Sweating in our air-con dorm. I last wrote about our visit to Melbourne. We took a car from there to here on The Great Ocean Road. Amazing time. So I'll tell ya all about it!
The road trip started with a bang.... Literally. That was the sound of an old guy reversing his car into ours. Literally about 3hrs after picking the car up!! We didn't even hit our first camp site. We were about 3 seconds from the site, and I saw a car stopped in the middle of the road. I stopped - He reversed - I beeped - He kept reversing - I beeped - He banged into us. I kept beeping.... Was one of those "had to laugh" moments as we were just talking about bad luck with hire companies, car insurance, and all that other satanic shiz! The girls didn't see the funny side. But luckily me and Cat have plenty of experience in this situation. Anyway, we paid for the first camp site. Was a bit expensive. But the next day after stopping into some of the information sites, we got a list of cheap and free sites to stay on for our next few stops. The Great Ocean Road begun, and it was amazing. It's probably the best thing I've done in Australia so far. The views you got, the waterfalls, and the walks we did were beautiful. Camping was fun. We saw loads of wild life. Was just a really good experience.
On one of our first stops: "Have you ever, ever felt like this...." YES! We saw the lighthouse from Around The Twist! That show was epic. Much better than Neighbours! Probs the best show to ever come out of Oz. Apart from Summer Heights High - naturally.
Calamity Nats pitched her tent on a nest of bull ants one night. She got bit on the foot. If you don't know Nats, she always injures her feet in some way. This makes it funny. Tradition.
Most nights we stayed in dark free camp sites that looked like a rapist murderers dream. We drank goon, and cooked Kanga Bangas on disposable BBQs. The stars at night were amazing! So bright....... So tight...... One day after walking back from a BBQ in the evening, we were talking and a family of kangaroos hopped right past us. We just stood there in a shocked silenced. I'm pretty sure that was the first time we all saw wild (alive) kangaroos. We also saw our first wild Koalas on road. We stopped off at this recommended area, and we saw one, awake, eating, literally in touching distance by our heads. He didnt mind us. People were feeding him and touching him. Then 6,000 Asian tourists came off a bus with their cameras and it was game over. Super funky fresh though.
Towards the back end of the trip we stopped off at the "12 Apostles". These are like big rocks that stand out of the sea. They're like the "post card" image of the Great Ocean Road. They were really cool. Also, Loch Ard Gorge, and The Bay Of Islands were stop offs just after it. Had a beautiful beach, and great scenery from the cliffs you can walk around.
After the Great Ocean Road came to an end, we diverted up to The Grampians. Which is a national park made up of woods, mountains, and lots of wild life. It's kinda how you imagine Australia from back at home. Very dry and red, very Woof Creek. The Grampians are also my favourite thing ive done here, if you count it as a separate thing to the GOR. We hiked up to some really high cliff tops, and had awesome views. We also did a nature walk in the evening. Saw LOADS more kangaroos. And other animals. I got this sick photo of Natalie and Cat walking through a field, with a family of kangaroos hopping right past them. I'll be sure to put that on Facebook at some point. Other animals spotted includes: koalas, Lizards and Dragons, Snakes, Emu's, Seals, Penguins, Bats, Possums, Gidgee Stinks, Rabbits, Deer, Parrots, Echidna's and FLIES! Lots of bloody flies!! Arggh! We saw more or less every animal listed above in dead form too (mostly road kill) I'm pretty sure we saw a few dead Dingos. No alive ones though.
Eventually we arrived in Adelaide. We dropped off Silver Surfer (our car), to Thrifty and awaited the bad news. We basically had to pay the standard damage fee of $3466 - for a dented NUMBER PLATE..... Luckily we had insurance, but it was with an independent company, so we gotta wait for all the legal shiz, and the other driver might cover it, or I don't know. I just know I hate insurance and rental companies and they can all die in a fire....
We've only been in Adelaide a few days. And we're leaving now coz we've organised FARM WORK!! :D We're flying to Cairns to do 3 months in Tully to get our 2nd year visa and some cold hard cash! Natalie is going to Port Lincoln to do her shark dive. Then traveling down the east coast. Hopefully we'll see her in Cairns again on the weekend....... And then there was 2 I guess......
Whilst here though, we celebrated Australia Day. Saw Tim-O-Matic live (probably the campest rnb singer you'll ever see). Drank lots goon - naturally. Calamity Nats went to see a doctor about her ear. The doctor felt it was necessary to take her heart beat in her bra for it :p So he's been dubbed Andy McGrab. She loved it - naturally. We went to a museum, learned about the Red Titi and Hairy Saki monkies (amongst other cultural things) :p Smoked shisha, had dinner, and came home....
SO..... Next time you hear from me, I'll be in Queensland. 4th state within a month. Fingers crossed for the farm work. We'll let you know how that goes.
Until then....
Keep your shorts tiiight!!
Zooooooooop!!! x