Wednesday, December 11, 2013

A Transitional Month

Oh my BLOGGGG!!!

Where have I been? What have i done? Who am i now?? I know it's been a long time coming blog fans. I've been working out, getting my index finger strong for some hardcore blogging! So I hope you're ready! Hope you're super excited! Coz hear comes a brand new bloggggg......

Believe it or not blog fans, I recently nearly wrote a blog and sent it out, but I never submitted it. I was gonna do a comparison between Sydney and London, as I've spent a decent amount of time here now and know the city really well. I just couldn't find a way of making it compelling to read. There was a lot of umming and ahhing on my opinions, some of it was obvious, most of it was bullshit, so I never really finished it :p

But anyway, I got a lot of other things to keep you in the loop with. It's December now, summer time, and shit has been hitting the fan lately. It's def gonna be a transitional month. Had my long time friend Nick McEvoy arriving, Jason leaving, Mark leaving, Nick leaving again, Cat leaving Scarys, I'm saying bye to my soccer kids forever, and soon we'll be saying bye to the house, Shona and Gemma, and all our other Sydney friends :( And all this in a short space of time.... Our plan is to spend christmas and new years in Sydney, and then move on to Melbourne for one week with Natalie, then drive the Great Ocean Road and camp together, then spend Australia day in Adelaide, and shark dive, etc. Then me and Cat will be trying to get farm work in late Jan / early Feb. Farm work will give us a decent amount of savings, hopefully. We need to get 3 months farming done or we will have to leave the country in May. We're not sure how long we'll be in Australia for, but we definitely won't have enough money or time to do the things we want to in Australia without starting our 2nd year here. So that's our short term future. I won't blabber on about any more, as things will change no doubt. 

But let's not talk too much about the future. Let's talk about what's happened recently, and what's going on in the present.  Meeting up with Nick was a blast from the past. Hadn't seen him in AGES. we caught up, spoke about school mates, who's had kids, who's married, who's in prison, etc. Spoke about people and things I totally forgot about. Like when we used to throw Pritt-Sticks up to stick on the ceiling at school, and they would all dangle there for weeks :D We've hung out a lot. Had a lot of drinks, A lot of them being on his 30th birthday. It's been good. He's left for Melbourne now. But we'll be sure to meet up when we get there. And I don't think I'll be the only one happy to see him again ;) wink wink.....

Also, Jason has left us :( His time came and went really quickly. I thought we was loving Sydney, and he really wanted to see Melbourne, and we were all excited about things to come. Then I got a text saying "I've booked a flight to Thailand". We tried to cram in things to do before he left, but he worked his last week as well. So he missed quite a lot. We tried to have a "boys night out". Ended up being a boys night in! Not because we were sober, but because we got so drunk we all passed out by about 9pm! Some how I lost my phone, even though I 100% didn't leave the house. And it is 100% not in the house. Believe me, I've looked. It's the biggest mystery this world has witnessed. Like Stone Henge x80. We did manage a night out at Ivy before he left. Everyone came out. But I think Jason was one of the soberest, as he was flying the next day. 

Not long after Jason, Marky B left us. Wasn't quite as surprising as Jason, as Mark was always talking about what he will do, eat, drink, see when he gets home. And he never said anything about what he's gonna do in Aus. I wasn't expecting him to stay and go farming with us. But I was hoping he would stay for Wet N Wild, feativals, Xmas, new years, Melbourne, Great Ocean Road and Adelaide etc. I think Jason and Mark both left at one of the worst possible times. But everyones got their own plans i guess.....

Now I'm just getting on with my life with the girls. I can't complain. Still loving it here, and will be a bit sad to leave. Enjoyed Sydney life. Gonna be weird to spend Xmas together in the sun. It's SWELTERING here lately. Anything over 30 degrees ain't cool no more! Literally..... 

We've got our "Sydney to do list". All of us have a few things we wanna cram in before we leave. Times gonna fly though. And I'm looking forward to life after Sydney and hitting the road again :)

Anyway. Think I'll leave it there for now blog fans! So much i could say, but ill stay sweet. Got a rough and rugged ride ahead of us. So on that note: keep your shorts tight!! And a merry christmas to you all! Zooooooop!! X