Saturday, August 10, 2013
The Storm
Well, well, well.....
What do we have here blog fans!? Been a LONG time since I last wrote. And time in Australia goes quick, but slow, but also quick again, and.... im confused with what year it is....
So much has happened since I last wrote, I dont know where to start blog fans. I guess I can start with the arrival of Marky B and Nats. They got here a day or two before Marks birthday, and I dont think their first impressions on our hostel were any good :p I suppose when you take a flight as long as that, youre used to checking into a hotel and relaxing. Not checking into a eight bed, hostel, dorm. But I think now they realise the price we're paying compared to other hostels, that aint even THAT much better than ours, we have a pretty sweet deal here. At the end of the day, we go to bed, wake up, get out. So it aint that bad. We do have a pretty crap kitchen that we never eat in, but we eat out, so who cares. Its nice and social to eat out together anyway. We have loads of German and French backpackers in our hostel. For some reason all they do is hang outside and drink all night. If youre gonna come all the way to Sydney, ATLEAST go to a club or something! But they dont. So..... :/
The girls settled in well. Cats still doing really well at her job. They even asked if she wanted to stay on longer, and they said shes the best day-time bar staff they've had. Shes also doing shifts for a catering company, and goes to lots of big events and big stadiums working for them. So im very proud of how shes doing. Shona, Gemma, and Natalie didnt find it too hard to get jobs either - they all have office or phone centre type of previous experience, and theres loads of them types of jobs in Sydney. Shona even quit 2 jobs within a week, and got another a few days later lol. So they doing well. Mark has more or less straight out refused to ever work in Sydney. He doesnt like it much here, and instantly wanted to move on when he arrived. I cant understand why he hates it so much, coz we're having a good time, but I think when he arrived in Australia, Sydney was not the reason he came here, and I can understand that. We originally planned to all move in together, work, stay here for New Years and Christmas, then move on. But I dont think thats gonna happen that way now.
We have been constantly looking for a house to move into together. But it seems impossible to get a house big enough for 6 of us. And even when we do, they say "I dont want 6 people, 5 max" or "You have to stay until atleast Feb". So we hadnt had too much luck. Also, we recently got the news that our friend Jason is joining us too! So one house for all of us is a definite no no. We have been thinking and talking a lot about what to do, and we think the best way to sort things is for the girls to move in together, and the boys go off farming. All the girls are happy with where they are working, and making decent money. Mark can get out of Sydney, work a bit, sight see a bit, then do what he feels after. Jason said he needs to work when he gets here, and farming is the easiest source of work for backpackers, so i guess it all makes sense. As for me, im still doing football coaching 3 times a week. I get paid a bit better now, as I coach a group of kids on my own. That money alone seems to be able to pay for a weeks rent, food, and some drinks. I usually only get one or two shifts at the office removal place, so that money goes into the bank, and that stays there. Its a shame that we cant all stay together, but it will be nice for me to get regular work, and catch up with everyone elses bank accounts too.
Luckily me and Mark are the kings of living on a budget at the moment. Even though the girls are making more, theyre def spending more too. Me and Mark have been living on $3 subways, free water from the library, 30cent McDonalds icecream, $5 Dominos, and $12 boxes of goon for a night out. Its pretty ghetto. We know every day what the best deal is to eat, drink or go out on. So, if youre coming to Sydney, speak to us ;)
I had my BIRTHDAY here not too long ago. Had a really nice time, and got really spoilt. I was expecting a tshirt, card, maybe a bottle of drink and that was it. But I got all those things, plus sun glasses (G6's to us now), a chalice, cake, and a brand new phone! I think they probably got me a bit too much, and I instantly felt guilty, but of course I appreciate it all a lot. Even two German girls from our room got me a cake, and a nice pink dress for some reason... :/ We had a nice group meal by the harbor and then went to a open mic night on my actually birthday. On the following day we all went out, and I got really drunk :)
I dont know what else to say really. Theres LOADS of funny storys to tell. I could literally write a book about it all. But we're all safe, well, and having fun. Everything is a bit in the air at the moment, so keep your eyes pealed blog fans. We will keep you informed!
Until then....
Keep your shorts tight.
And if I dont see you through the week, ill see you through the window ;)
kisses! xxxxxxxxxxx
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