Friday, June 21, 2013

The Storm Before The Calm

Good morning Blog Fans!!

It's your man with a plan! needing a hand to earn 100grand! Our Australia experience is moving at a 100mph, so I'm gonna keep you on your toes with our TANTALISING travels.

When we last spoke we were coming to the end of our time with the Himer fam. It came and went so fast, then in a puff of smoke me and Cat were standing there on our own as if they were never here. Cat was understandably a bit upset, but she got over it a lot faster than I thought. She probably didnt get over leaving The York Apartments so quickly though. We checked in to Kings Cross Backpackers and moved into a shit hole of a room. It stank of B.O. and damp towels, and there was clothes everywhah. We went from having our own comfortable room, to sleeping in the fetal position with our backpacks at the bottom of our beds as there was no room on the floor to put them.

Work started to pick up at this point though (kinda). Cat confirmed a full time position at the Scary Canary bar after doing part-time shifts whilst her parents were here. And I got 2 coaching jobs. After being in each others faces for several months, it was nice to go to work and text Cat from work. Sometimes it's just nice to text "what shall we do tonight?" "see you later!" "blah blah blah".
Out of my 2 coaching jobs I really enjoy one, and not so much the other. One is with a Hungarian guy Ferenc (same name as Cats dad - destiny) and it is really fun. It's with younger kids with less skills, but they cheer me up every morning. It's for 3 hrs a morning fri-sun, which is better than the other one, which is just an hour at a time. So after the nuisance of getting ready, paying for the train etc, it's barely worth it..... I've noticed I say "etc" a lot by the way :/ - Also, the other training with Kickeroos have older kids, and most of them are little shits! It makes me think, if I ever have kids, I wont bother with them much until they can walk and talk. Then when they get to 7 or 8, I'll adopt or send them to boarding school or something, because thats the know it all little shit age. The group with Ferenc are a lot cuter. They've said things to me like:
"Are you a boy or a girl?"
"I like you, but not my daddy"
"Are you from Scotland?"
It makes me laugh.

After a week in that damp smelly room, we moved to Elephant Backpackers to meet Nancy and Rob. Apparently it was supposed to be a even worse hostel than before. But it wasn't. We had a nicer dorm with more space, cheaper and we were staying with quieter people. I've noticed how old I am since been here. Theres a lot of British and Irish teenagers who have come here with mummy and daddy's money to buy pills and do coke. Australia has a massive drug problem. They have needle disposals in most toilets.
Anyway, we met up with friends from home for the 3rd time since traveling. Chris and Riaz being the first 2 in Brazil, then the Himers being the 2nd. Had 2 nights out with Nancy, Rob and their mates, then sat in and played ring of fire on the 3rd. Nancy got smashed and puked :) I also sent her to the toilet that was "out of order" and clogged with 5 tons of tissue and 20 tons of diarrhea. Her screams made me laugh from the cubical next door lol. Also got to do a few touristy things during the days here and there too of course. After Nancy left, me and Cat decided we wanted to stay in this hostel for as long as it takes us to find our own place with the souf crew. Moving around can be a pain in the arse. We did have to move room once as we forgot to extend our stay in advance. We moved to the "party floor" in a 8 bed dorm. OMG. everything that you expect could happen on the party floor did. I went bed early as I had to wake up for work at 7am and I got about....20mins sleep.....all night. By the end of it the rest of the dorm were a bit wary of me, as they knew I was seconds away from cutting their heads off with rusty scissors. They left the doors open, came in and out talking loud and shouting, drinking and popping goon bags, then a guy climbed on MY BED to shut a window. Needless to say I threw some naughty words at him. Some guy who was obviously speaking to Cat saw me sit up from bed to see what the hell was going on. He said "OMG you went Hatch End? I went Nower Hill!" :D I said "I dont give a shit", tuned my back, tried to sleep. One drug addict decided to turn the lights on and pack all his stuff up at 4am to move hostels. I asked him if he was stupid, but he was too out of it to answer. I almost got to sleep after that, but then I was kept up my loud sex noises and bed creaking. After about half an hour of it I bent over the side of the bunk and said "Oi! Are you 2 gonna be doing this tomorrow?" " ....why?" "coz I need some f*#ing sleep!" it went quiet after that, but it was like 6:15am by then anyway.

We had some other reunions during that week. We met up with Felicity from our South America tour. Shes gonna be our new Aussie aunty :) She bought us a cruise experience as a "welcome to oz present". We also met Rachel and Michelle, 2 Aussie girls we met in a hostel in Rio. They're also really nice, and we'll probably see the 3 of them a lot whilst we're here.

Apart from that we've just been busy with work and job hunting. I had a interview for a senior receptionist at a gym, and I've applied for a lot of print jobs. But I've been told they're all looking for residents that will he here long term to progress. The job search people said I'm being too picky, but all I've said is I don't wanna stand on a street corner doing sales, and im not sure about bar work yet. Cats been quite lucky to be honest. She works 10:30-7:30 mon-fri. It's not exactly a progression in here career, but we're here in Oz to fund our fun and travel I guess. She gets good perks like 20% off all food and drink, free drinks from tap and a bottle of wine each week :) So Fridays our wine and steak night. Cost like $16 for 2 of us. Bargain. Worth it. I've been doing more office removal work, which I'm happy to do. Also just started my film and tv extras profiles ;) The guy from there has offered me work too, doing recruiting and even to be a face on a dating website :s We'll see how that goes.

Apart from that, it's all onwards and upwards. Today is the day we have our FIRST SOUF REUNION!!! Shona "The Show" Green!! The souf family will be assembled soon, and we can flat hunt. Still got other possible reunions in the pipe-line. Lots of fun to be had! Because FUN...Is number ONE!

Keep your shorts tight for angel delight! My shorts will def be getting tighter these next couple of weeks. (Even though I'm eating like Victoria Beckham to save money at the moment).

Speak soon blogaholics!