Monday, December 24, 2012

Merry Xmas!! And goodbye Central America

HOHOHOHOHO!! And a bottle of rum, and a bottle of rum!

Hope you all have a good Christmas, wherever you are. Ours is gonna suck arse. In San Jose. EVERYTHINGS closed down for xmas, and the hostel is DEAD! Obviously getting waste stained is a British tradition. So we might get a pizza and watch BIG on tv or something :-s

Its Christmas day, and we´re leaving Central America :-0
Time to start our adventures in South America, and we´re looking forward to it. Will be nice to jump on to this tour and have someone there to sort transport, no need for money, give advice on things to do, tell us boarder crossing charges, translate, sort accomidation etc etc. I thought Central America will be our hardest part of the journey, and we´ve survived it :)

If you didnt know - We landed in Cancun, and traveled south through Belize, Guatemala, El Salvador, Nicaragua, and Costa Rica. I think we enjoyed all of it. Belize definitley stood out as something different. As the people spoke english, and it had more of a carribean vibe, rather than a latin america one. Belize was very expensive though, as was Costa Rica. Its hard to say what I enjoyed most out of all the countries. I think in general people got friendlier as we traveled south.....and the girls got hotter too :p (didnt notice if the boys did) :-s
My advice to anyone who wants to travel central america is LEARN SPANISH! Have no idea how many times we´ve been insulted and ripped off. Most people are good people. But you do get paranoid when you hear whats happened to some other travelers. When traveling you gotta take everything with a pinch of salt though. A lot of people described San Jose as a shit hole. But when I got here I just tought it was a city, with cool shops, prostitutes, cool graffiti, and not too dissimilar to any other big city. DEFINITELY better than most capitals on the continent. San Salvador and San Jose were OK. Managua and Guatemala City we got straight out of!
Dont really know what else to say....Maybe ill update this and write a better review. Or I could just not bother.....Im thinking of writing a comparison of mine and Cats style of traveling soon :p

Keep in touch
Keep your shorts tight
And have a gintastic Christmas.

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Bom Bom....and a volcano

Morning Blog fanatics ;)
Just gonna give you another little update as I have no photos to put up and a lot has gone on since I last got wifi or a laptop.
Soooo Cat and I were in Granada last. Was nice, but pretty much like loads of other colonial towns we been to. We got a ferry from there to Ometepe Island. Which is in the middle of Lake Nicaragua, with 2 volcanoes on it. We got to a hostel called Little Morgans, and it seemed to have a nice social vibe. We   got a room with 2 other english mates we made, and got settled down. When I walked down to the bar, I saw a sign saying "Power Rum Challenge." The people at the top were at 11 - 12 etc, and the person in 5th place was on 3! So i thought "pssst, I can beat 3!" ...So I took the challenge. If you asked what was in a Power Rum, you had to drink a Power Rum. So I was just like "whats a power rum? whats a power rum?" I found out after my first two it was 5 shots of rum and a energy drink thats been banned in nearly every country but Nicaragua. I was like, "Cool beans,. 2 more and im on the leader board." Played some drinking games. I taught people Kaos Cards.....still the best game ever. And learnt some new ones.....And.....I dont remember anything after that. I just woke up the next morning sayng "Where did I puke? Where did I puke?" Everyone told me I didnt. But I could taste it. A few hours later, I looked at my photos (that i cant transfer yet) and I see a pic of me and a girl writing "Robbie Gee HA3" on the leader board. (I did 4.5). Then the next picture I think was a pic of me peeing in a sink :s Then the final one was me puking off the side of my bed......A couple nights later a girl was telling me how everyone else who tried the challenge and got more, had tactics of drinking from breakfast, then having a break, then drinking, then eating, etc etc. So they basically had tactics. But they still got in a REALLY bad state. I told her about me being sick, and not finding where I did it..... she was like :-0 "THAT WAS YOU!?" She told me how someone in the bar (that was directly below our room) was catching some stuff that was dripping from the ceiling. Then they smelt their hand and said "OMG its sick!!" lol.... Sorry for party rocking?? So thats why we couldnt see any evidence in the morning! :p :D
We also did a volcano hike on the island. Was murder. 4 hours up, 4 hours down. Their was a lake at the top that was really spooky coz we were in the clouds. Looked like the movie The Others, or Mist. I twisted my knee, and Cats ankle was causing her problems again, so we came back an hour later than the others. Was a total write off, and subway was definitely closed.
In San Juan Del Sur at the moment. Naked Tiger hostel is AMAZING. Hopefully Ill be able to get photos online at some point, and buy a new SD Card.

Keep posted and keep them shorts tight! ;)

Monday, December 10, 2012

Blog To Replace Pics

Hello bloggers :-l

In a bad, tetsuo type mood today. 3 weeks worth of great photos have been corrupted on my SD card, and I dunno If ill ever be able to put them on my usb stick, or facebook, or print them or anything. If anyone has any idea how to fix it lemme know PLEASE :-D The pics are still visible on my camera, but the card isnt being read by any computer I use, so I dunno whats going on. I hate technology forever.
Had some photos of our spanish school, nights out, views of volcanoes, random look-a-likes from home, churches, parades, cigar factories, parrots, loads of stuff. I use my camera like a diary of my journey, so hopefully this is a half decent substitute lol. In Granada at the moment and its ridiculously humid, which puts me in even more of a ratty mood, so fun times :D
On our way to Ometepe Island next. Gonna hike a volcano there. Its 4 hours up and 4 hours down. Im just hoping its not as hot as here lol. After that we're heading to San Juan Del Sur. Its a beach, party town. Think we both need somewhere with a nightlife at the moment, as we've been pretty bored in the evenings lately. Then on to Costa Rica, and flying to Peru on Christmas :) Hopefully my other SD card is compatible with my camera. Im totally Japanese when it comes to taking photos :-l

Speak soon bloggers.
Keep your shorts tight and your.....head right.

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Still Alive ;)

227 views! wow, thank you blog fans!! :D lol!
OK, ermm not much has happened since i last wrote. But im sitting infront of a laptop, and looked at everything football and news related. And ive stalked the arse off everyone on facebook, so ill write some more...... We got to San Salvador OK. Got a shuttle from San Pedro to Antiqua. Then switched bus to get to Guatemala City. Then got on a coach to San Salvador. Guatemala City was a bit of a shit hole. I felt more confident when I saw a "NO RAPING" sign on the way in :) So that was one less thing to worry about. We realized we might have to pay a boarder crossing fee whilst we were waiting in the bus station. So I had to walk the streets looking for a bank. Feels fine to walk around when its just me, with no female, no bags, and nothing much on me. Just do my Stone Cold Steve Austin walk and its cool.
San Salvador is a lot nicer than expected. We're not made to feel like Bill Gates just because we're honkies. Its actually the opposite. There was a few moments that were a bit dodge. After walking back from the market, with like 3 bags each (not much in them. Just food, drinks, 1 tshirt, and our usual stuff) I decided not to go down a narrow alley way with ppl in, so we took a lil detour. But the road we went down was a quiet residential road, that was a bit like the ones in those westcoast gangster films, with people sitting on the porch etc. As we walked I noticed a few funny looks and stares, and guys were whistling codes to each other over the streets etc. I turned back to Cat, and she was just strolling along with a massive cheesey smile on her face lol. She keeps saying parts of England and London are dodgey, but I also keep trying to explain we dont look like millionaires in London, and guns aint usually a problem there lol but oh well. We're OK so far. I refuse to go out with out a camera ;). Been walking LOADS here. On a bus tonight. Stopping at Managua (which is supposed to be another dodge area with nothing to do or see). So we should be walking to the next stop and going straight to Granada. Should be nicer from there down :)

OK, thats it for now.
Keep it sexy in Englandtown ;)
Jealous its Christmasy there.......

PEACE! :-0

Monday, December 3, 2012

The Ghetto Chapter

Hola amigos :D Cat and I are in a internet cafe researching our next stop and hostel for tomorrow. Things are gonna get serious for the next few days. We are heading south still, but our next 2 or 3 stops are gonna be in some of the most dangerous places in central america / the world :p We have to get a bus from san pedro to guatemala city (the capital). Every news paper here has photos of new people shot there every day, so it should be rather ginteresting. Good news is, we r only there for a few hours til we get a bus to either el salvador or honduras. Both are home to MS13, and Honduras is supposed to have the highest gun crime in the world after south africa i think. And I think their capital has more homocides than any other :) fantastic. Luckily im gangsta as f*ck ;)
We have finished our spanish school tho! Went out to celebrate the other night. Had a good night. Havent seen as much of San Pedro as i wanted, but we kinda just wanna move on to Nicaragua now. Spanish is oookkk. Still prefer to speak English if i can. Can talk simple stuff. Like our teacher asked me to spell my whole name in spanish. Then he was asking what was my family name, and if I had two second names. So I said "My-Name-Is-Robert-Dean-Geoffrey-Gurney" "My-Dad-Likes-Robert. My-Mum-Likes-Dean" "My-Nan-Wanted-My-Dads-Name-In-My-Name." "Gurney-Is-My-Family-Name." lol in spanish of course. Was a lot easier than trying to explain the plot of Watership Down in spanish :-s

Not Much Else to say night now.
Keep you eyes open, and your shorts tight.
Hasta luego.