Thursday, November 29, 2012

One Month In

Sooooo......We're one month in to our travel. The last blog was asking for 70quid to renew it, but i think / hope this blog is free forever, and we can keep posting on this. Last time we (I) posted anything we were probably still in Mexico. A lot has happened since then. We're in Guatemala now. Its a beautiful, but really poor country. Loads of green mountains everywhere. Im writing this from a hostel in San Pedro, which is on the Atitlan Lake. We're studying spanish for 5 days, 6 hours per day. We need it here, trust me. Seem to be picking it up quite well now. The basic stuff anyway. Cat seems to be better and listening and understanding, and im probably better at talking at the moment. Which is funny coz its the complete opposite in English :p
After our first lesson I was feeling quite pleased with the progress. Then we went back to our hostel, where we told the owner that this would be our last night, and we're moving somewhere cheaper. He then started to try to bargain with me in complete spanish..... Shattered my confidence a bit. But i didnt really care coz he's a dick. Theres been a few times where speaking spanish would of come in handy. Loads actually. The kids here are a bit cheaky. They come up to us and try to sell us crap coz we're white. If they cant sell you stuff, they just ask you to buy you stuff or give you things. Its better if you can speak a bit of spanish and you can be cheeky to them. I wanna learn "piss off you racist" coz they wont do that to locals. Sometimes i give them things because they are poor, and it means less to me. But i feel they need to learn sometimes too.
Other than that, not too much to report. Not doing much at the moment as we're studying. So drinking less, doing less, having less fun. Cat has a shit fit every time we / I eat coz "we're not doing anything to deserve to eat." Shes scared im gonna get fat, but i dont care. I like the food here. She picks her fingers all day, which annoys me, so we're even.

Ill leave it at that for now.
Mucho gracias for reading.
Keep your shorts tight.